Shopify - DB Schenker

Automate shipping Shopify orders with DB Schenker

With ShipTown you can integrate your Shopify store with DB Schenker in the easiest and fastest way.

Connect in less than 3 minutes and start shipping now

order automations

Ship your Shopify orders easily with DB Schenker

Once you integrate your Shopify store with DB Schenker you will be able to automate every part of your shipment process:

  • Centralize all your order, shipping and inventory workflows
  • Generate and print shipping labels directly from the platform
  • Send email notifications to customers
  • Create advanced order automations
  • Get detailed analytics on sales, inventory and shipping performance
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  • 45% reduction of manual operations

    allowing better utilization of human resources.

  • 23% shipping cost reduction

    By automatically selecting the most cost-effective options, businesses often see notable savings on shipping.

  • 49% faster order fulfillment

    Automated workflows can cut down manual tasks, allowing orders to be processed and shipped out much faster.

  • 64% reduction in error rates

    Centralizing your shipping tasks in one platform can reduce manual input errors. This leads to fewer returns, re-shipments, and customer service headaches.

  • 25% fewer customer service inquiries

    By automating shipment notifications and providing clear tracking information, you can reduce the volume of “Where’s my order?” calls and emails, freeing up your support team to handle other issues.

  • 36% faster cross-channel management

    By consolidating orders from multiple e-commerce platforms into one ShipTown panel, you cut down on time spent switching between systems, reduce potential errors, and streamline overall workflow.

project Management

We’ll handle every aspect of your e-commerce operations.

  • Integrates e-commerce platforms
  • Integrates couriers
  • Integrates hardware (scanners, printers etc.)
  • Multi-warehouse
  • Smart Shelf Labels
  • Order automations
  • Automated email notifications
  • Printing labels
  • Picklist, packlist, shipping
  • Real-time inventory management
  • Smart stocktake suggestions
  • Transfers
  • Point Of Sale
  • Data-collector
  • Advanced reports
  • Multi-language
  • Intuitive, user-friendly design
  • Scalable Architecture

Integrate multiple e-commerce platforms into ShipTown

Manage them seamlessly from one intuitive dashboard — a faster, smarter way to handle all your multi-channel e-commerce orders in a single place.

Eliminate the hassle of switching between multiple platforms and streamline your workflow with one powerful solution.

Try it free

Connect all your preferred carriers to ShipTown

Manage every shipment from one unified dashboard — it’s the streamlined way to handle deliveries in a single solution.

Optimize your shipping costs by automated selecting the most cost-effective carrier for each order, ensuring you save money while maintaining reliable deliveries.

Connect now

Our experts are ready to assist you.

Contact us today to find the right solutions for your business.