Using AI & Laravel Dusk to generate Video Tutorials, Static Pages, Step by Step guides IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES
Created by: Artur Hanusek
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Transforming Frontend Dusk Tests into Video Tutorials
Using ChatGPT + ElevenLabs, we automate the process of converting Laravel Dusk frontend tests into tutorial videos, documentation with examples, and screenshot lists for UX/UI teams.
Could that be even better ???
Multilingual support
German, Spanish, Gaelic and other languages:
YouTube -ePOS Wie verkauft man ein Produkt?
Screenshot lists for easy UX / UI overview:

Reusing Dusk Tests for Automation
By leveraging Laravel Dusk, we streamline the process of generating training materials while maintaining consistency in UI interactions.
We reuse Dusk tests
namespace Tests\Browser\Routes\Tools\DataCollector;
use App\Models\Product;
use App\Models\ProductPrice;
use App\Models\Warehouse;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorPayments\src\Models\PaymentType;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorQuantityDiscounts\src\Jobs\BuyXGetYForZPercentDiscount;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorQuantityDiscounts\src\Models\QuantityDiscount;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorQuantityDiscounts\src\Models\QuantityDiscountsProduct;
use Tests\DuskTestCase;
use Throwable;
class TransactionPageTest extends DuskTestCase
private string $uri = '/tools/data-collector/transaction';
* @throws Throwable
public function testPage(): void
$this->startRecording('How to sell a product?');
$this->say('Hi Guys! I will demonstrate how to use our Point Of Sale');
$this->say('Lets start from basic transaction, from the top menu click on Tools > Point of Sale');
$this->say('You can see the barcode input field on the left side of the screen ' .
'where you scan the product using barcode scanner or enter the product code manually');
$this->type('@barcode-input-field', '4001', true);
$this->say('Product has been added to the transaction. ' .
'Scanning product again will increase the quantity');
$this->type('@barcode-input-field', '4001', true);
$this->type('@barcode-input-field', '4001', true);
$this->say('Our Point of Sale system supports multiple payment types, such as cash or card. ' .
'To accept customers payment, click PAY button on the right side of the screen');
$this->say('You can see the payment window, here you can choose the payment type, ' .
'for this example, we will choose the Cash payment type');
$this->clickButton('#data-collection-choose-payment-type-modal [data-code="CASH"] div button');
$this->say('Now you enter the payment amount, and change will be automatically calculated');
$this->typeSlowly('#transaction_payment_amount', 50);
$this->say('Receipt has been printed and you can now hand it over to the customer together with the change. Click "close" button to serve next customer');
$this->say('Lets start new transaction and I will show you quickly different options which you might need during the transaction');
$this->say('One of the first options you see is customer selection, lets click "Select Customer" button');
$this->say('In this window you can create new customer by clicking "plus" button, or find and select existing account');
$this->say('Clicking receipt button allows you to print it or email it directly to your customer');
$this->say('You also have options cancel current transaction or to put transaction on hold if needed. ' .
'In the next lesson I will show more advanced features of our Point Of Sale');
$this->browser()->assertSourceMissing('Server Error');
protected function setUp(): void
$product = Product::factory()->create(['sku' => '4001']);
ProductPrice::query()->update(['price' => 10]);
PaymentType::query()->firstOrCreate(['code' => 'cash', 'name' => 'Cash']);
$quantityDiscount = QuantityDiscount::query()->create([
'name' => 'Buy 2 Get 1 FREE',
'job_class' => BuyXGetYForZPercentDiscount::class,
'configuration' => [
'quantity_full_price' => 2,
'quantity_discounted' => 1,
'discount_percent' => 100,
'quantity_discount_id' => $quantityDiscount->getKey(),
'product_id' => $product->getKey(),