Using AI & Laravel Dusk to generate Video Tutorials, Static Pages, Step by Step guides IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES


Created by: Artur Hanusek


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Transforming Frontend Dusk Tests into Video Tutorials


Using ChatGPT + ElevenLabs, we automate the process of converting Laravel Dusk frontend tests into tutorial videos, documentation with examples, and screenshot lists for UX/UI teams.


Could that be even better ???


Multilingual support

German, Spanish, Gaelic and other languages:

YouTube -ePOS Wie verkauft man ein Produkt?


Screenshot lists for easy UX / UI overview:

Screenshots image
Screenshots image

Reusing Dusk Tests for Automation

By leveraging Laravel Dusk, we streamline the process of generating training materials while maintaining consistency in UI interactions.


We reuse Dusk tests 


namespace Tests\Browser\Routes\Tools\DataCollector;

use App\Models\Product;
use App\Models\ProductPrice;
use App\Models\Warehouse;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorPayments\src\Models\PaymentType;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorQuantityDiscounts\src\Jobs\BuyXGetYForZPercentDiscount;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorQuantityDiscounts\src\Models\QuantityDiscount;
use App\Modules\DataCollectorQuantityDiscounts\src\Models\QuantityDiscountsProduct;
use Tests\DuskTestCase;
use Throwable;

class TransactionPageTest extends DuskTestCase
private string $uri = '/tools/data-collector/transaction';

* @throws Throwable
public function testPage(): void



$this->startRecording('How to sell a product?');

$this->say('Hi Guys! I will demonstrate how to use our Point Of Sale');
$this->say('Lets start from basic transaction, from the top menu click on Tools > Point of Sale');


$this->say('You can see the barcode input field on the left side of the screen ' .
'where you scan the product using barcode scanner or enter the product code manually');

$this->type('@barcode-input-field', '4001', true);

$this->say('Product has been added to the transaction. ' .
'Scanning product again will increase the quantity');

$this->type('@barcode-input-field', '4001', true);
$this->type('@barcode-input-field', '4001', true);

$this->say('Our Point of Sale system supports multiple payment types, such as cash or card. ' .
'To accept customers payment, click PAY button on the right side of the screen');


$this->say('You can see the payment window, here you can choose the payment type, ' .
'for this example, we will choose the Cash payment type');

$this->clickButton('#data-collection-choose-payment-type-modal [data-code="CASH"] div button');

$this->say('Now you enter the payment amount, and change will be automatically calculated');

$this->typeSlowly('#transaction_payment_amount', 50);

$this->say('Receipt has been printed and you can now hand it over to the customer together with the change. Click "close" button to serve next customer');


$this->say('Lets start new transaction and I will show you quickly different options which you might need during the transaction');


$this->say('One of the first options you see is customer selection, lets click "Select Customer" button');


$this->say('In this window you can create new customer by clicking "plus" button, or find and select existing account');

$this->say('Clicking receipt button allows you to print it or email it directly to your customer');

$this->say('You also have options cancel current transaction or to put transaction on hold if needed. ' .
'In the next lesson I will show more advanced features of our Point Of Sale');

$this->browser()->assertSourceMissing('Server Error');


protected function setUp(): void



$product = Product::factory()->create(['sku' => '4001']);

ProductPrice::query()->update(['price' => 10]);

PaymentType::query()->firstOrCreate(['code' => 'cash', 'name' => 'Cash']);

$quantityDiscount = QuantityDiscount::query()->create([
'name' => 'Buy 2 Get 1 FREE',
'job_class' => BuyXGetYForZPercentDiscount::class,
'configuration' => [
'quantity_full_price' => 2,
'quantity_discounted' => 1,
'discount_percent' => 100,

'quantity_discount_id' => $quantityDiscount->getKey(),
'product_id' => $product->getKey(),

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